School fees are due thirty (30) days after annual accounts are issued, however schools offer a variety of methods of payment and flexible repayment terms to provide families with support to meet their commitments. To facilitate this flexibility, families are asked to complete a Diocesan Request to Pay School Fees by Instalment to advise the school of their intended payment option. These forms are also available from the school office.
Payment methods include BPAY, Centrepay, and EFTPOS.
Parents/Carers may also access the Compass Parent Portal to make payments.
While enrolment carries an obligation to pay all school fees and levies, Catholic Social Teaching and the Gospel imperative of a ‘preferential option for the poor’ means that our practice in the Diocese of Wollongong has always been to find a place for families who support its Catholic ethos and are seeking a Catholic education for their child. Families experiencing genuine financial hardship are eligible for assistance via fee concessions.
Our working definition of genuine financial hardship is: a situation where a family is unable, reasonably, because of illness, unemployment or other reasonable cause, to discharge their financial obligations to pay school fees, rather than an unwillingness or reluctance to do so. Financial hardship can be of limited or long-term duration.
Please note that no student will be denied a Catholic education because of a family's genuine financial hardship.
A parent/carer experiencing genuine financial hardship who cannot pay school fees is urged to contact the School Fees Team at the Catholic Education Office to discuss an arrangement that will assist you in meeting your commitments. This may include the completion of a Diocesan Application for Fee Concession; you would need to contact the CEO School Fee Team to request a form. Be reassured that your situation will be treated with strict confidentiality and respect for your circumstances.
For further information regarding school fees, please access the Diocesan School Fee Management Policy and Frequently Asked Questions above.